Ethan Rohloff Photography

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer to your question here please share it in an email and we'd be glad to assist. Cheers, Ethan


Are you available for commissions throughout Australia?

Yes, Ethan often travels for commissions throughout Australia but typically in the major cities.  He has helicopter and drone pilots he works with across Australia.

How often do you work in the United States?

Ethan generally comes back to the US for commissions 2-3 times a year between April and September. 

What information do you need to provide a quote?

It is good to start with basics such as where is the project, time of day requirements, stills and or video, what will the content be used for.

How much notice do you need to do a shoot?

This can depend on current schedule but a general rule is 2-3 weeks is preferred.  Most of Ethan’s photography is weather dependent so it is best to have some time to work with.  With that said sometimes he can get started on a project within a few days. 

How do you decide if you need a drone or a helicopter?

This is best to discuss with Ethan on phone or email but in Australia there are restrictions on how low a helicopter can fly (generally at least 1000 feet above developed area).  The drone can fly lower but has it’s own set of limitations as to height and what it can fly over.  Ethan only uses licensed and specifically insured helicopter and drone pilots.